
Bharata Natyam
Bharata Natyam is a divine classical dance art originated more than 2500 years ago and flourished in the temple of Tamil Nadu, India. The attributes to the name Bharata Natyam are the anagram of BHA (bhava or expression RA (raga, melody) TA (tala, rhythm) and NATYAM means dance. It was created by sage Bharata of an ancient India (Bharata Desh). Bharat Natyam is one of the most popular and graceful dance forms in the world, reflects the subtle expressions of an ancient Hindu traditions and Indian culture. Bharata Natyam consists of three major aspects, Nritta, Nritya and Natya. Nritta is a pure dance with the rhythmic patterns and tempo. It does not have lyrics but gives beauty to the dance and joy to the dancer. Another important aspect is Nritya, in this dance a dancer expresses rasa (aesthetic flavor) and bhava or emotions by the facial expressions, hand gestures and movements of the limbs. Natya is a dramatic element with dialogue and music, which flavors the dance.
Margam literally means “The Path” It is the path taken by a Bharata Natyam recital as framed and codified by the Tanjor Quartet. The dancer completes the training of one full margam to perform the Arangetram.
Arangetram literally means “ascending the stage” in Tamil language, which is structured like a dancer ascending her stage, just as entering in the great temple. It is a dance debut, a solo stage performance of the traditional repertoire by the classical dance student. Arangetram is an auspicious ceremony and a proud presentation for the Guru(teacher) and Shishya(student) after completion of designated dance course. After years of intense training with discipline and dedication, the student performs with poise and devotion in praise of deities and the Cosmic Dancer, Lord Shiva also called “Nataraja” On this graduation recital, the student gracefully presents a lifelong achievement with developed endurance, strength, stamina, balance, flexibility and also express the most beautiful , ancient Indian aesthetic art with harmony of mind, body, spirit in front of the Guru, family and friends.
It is a Sanskrit word meaning lotus. A national flower of India and a sacred flower occupy a unique position in the art and mythology of ancient India. It has been an auspicious symbol of Indian culture, symbolizes divinity, knowledge, enlightenment, triumph, uniqueness and purity of heart and mind.
Literally means fully bloomed lotus. It is a hand gesture of Bharata Natyam, and expresses the meaning of lotus flower, mirror, full moon, praise, pond, village, beautiful things and many more with the combination of other hand gestures.
It also resembles Padmasana, a classic pose and one of the postures for meditative practices of ancient India. A famous depiction of the lotus posture includes Lord Shiva, the meditating ascetic God of Hinduism. It is one the most recognized poses of yoga.
Dancers in Anjali hand gesture
It represents Indian culture by honoring divine in everyone.
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It represents the union of ancient Indian classical arts Dance and Yoga.